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Friday, February 10, 2017

Maghi Purnima February 2017

Date of Observation: February-March; full moon day of the third lunar month 
Celebrated by: Buddhists around the world 
Symbols and Customs: Circumambulation, Five Precepts, Meritorious Deeds, Ovadha Patimokha 


Maghi Purnima is a part of the religious tradition of Buddhism, one of the four largest religious families in the world. The basic tenets of Buddhism can be summarized in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. The Four Noble Truths are 1) the truth and reality of suffering; 2) suffering is caused by desire; 3) the way to end suffering is to end desire; and 4) the Eightfold Path shows the way to end suffering. The Eightfold Path consists of 1) right view or right understanding; 2) right thoughts and aspirations; 3) right speech; 4) right conduct and action; 5) right way of life; 6) right effort; 7) right mindfulness; and 8) right contemplation. 

Maghi Purnima 

Maghi Purnima is an important day for Buddhists everywhere and is a national holiday in Buddhist Countries. It commemorates two historical  events in Buddhist history. The first event was the day on which 1,250 Arahants or the enlightened monks that were ordained by the Buddha himself-spontaneously gathered at the Veluvan Monastery in Rajagriha, India, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Magadha. This was considered a miraculous occurrence because none of them had been specifically invited, nor did they know that so many others would be there. The Buddha delivered a sermon to them, known as the OVADHA PATIMOKHA , in which he laid down the basic precepts of Buddhism. The second event commemorated on this day occurred shortly before the Buddha's death, when he told his disciples that his earthly life would end and he would enter into Nirvana on the full moon day of the sixth lunar month, exactly three months after Maghi Purnima. 

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